

The ability to make things happen takes courage.

Courage to dream. Courage to believe and courage to do.

With innovation at the heart of St John’s, the strategic direction is focused on building our reputation as a global learning institute.

The St John’s Global Learning Institute is underpinned by eight enterprises highlighting the strategic intentions for St John’s.

As represented in St John’s Strategic Enterprise Model, this is a first of its kind in the independent education sector, offering a unique approach to strategic thinking.

St John’s Strategic Enterprise Model is agile in nature, positioned to be responsive to the challenges of today and anticipate future change. Following McKinsey’s Three Horizons model, St John’s strategic intentions will be continuously measured and progress tracked.


At St John’s we actively encourage our educators to participate in world-leading research, embrace innovative theory in teaching and learning, and seek opportunities to be involved in a professional learning community led by world leading researchers.

To facilitate this culture of lifelong learning, St John’s has developed professional partnerships with academic and research institutions and educational experts to expand student and educator access to global best practice research.


Cultivating International Mindedness through the IB Primary Years Program

This year St John’s Junior School has implemented the new Australian Curriculum Version 9. Combined with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) the new curriculum presents a dynamic opportunity to enhance educational experiences, fostering holistic development and international-mindedness among students. By combining these frameworks, teachers can provide students with rich and meaningful learning experiences that promote deep understanding

May 17th, 2024|Categories: 2024 College News|

A Journey Fuelled by Curiosity: Meet our New Head of Science

Introducing Mr Paul Gray, the newly appointed Head of Science, whose journey into education has been fuelled by an unrelenting passion for science, engineering, mechanics, and electronics. With a career marked by innovation and dedication, Mr Gray brings a wealth of experience and a visionary approach to our Science Department. In this insightful Q&A, Mr Gray shares his experiences, aspirations,

May 17th, 2024|Categories: 2024 College News|

Exploring Effective Study Techniques to Enhance Student Outcomes

As part of the Let’s Talk About Series, St John’s recently hosted a parent workshop exploring the topic of effective study techniques for students in Years 7 to 12. Study strategies encompass learning approaches alongside developed competencies and abilities crucial for effective information processing and retention. Rooted in Cognitive Neuroscience, the study explores how the brain facilitates the mind's functions, delving

March 22nd, 2024|Categories: 2024 College News|

Empowering Students through Global and Service Learning

As the newly appointed Global and Service Learning Coordinator at St John's Anglican College, I am excited to unveil the dynamic initiatives and opportunities ahead. This role is committed to nurturing our students' global citizenship, social consciousness, and personal development. In my role I orchestrate enriching experiences that extend far beyond the confines of the classroom, fostering connections with students

March 22nd, 2024|Categories: 2024 College News|

St John’s International College Regains Momentum

The symbolism of the Year of the Dragon, representing prosperity, strength, and confidence, resonates perfectly with the ethos and journey of St John’s International College. Established in the year 2000, the International College commenced with eight short-term Korean students and now is highly regarded as a tier-one High School Preparation Course. The international student numbers have also returned to its

February 19th, 2024|Categories: 2024 College News|

Prioritising Student Wellbeing

Positive student wellbeing and successful learning share a mutually reinforcing relationship. A nurturing environment that fosters wellbeing significantly enhances academic outcomes, while successful learning experiences, in turn, bolster student wellbeing by promoting a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and overall satisfaction with their educational journey. The St John’s Faith Mission and Wellbeing Centre on the Secondary campus offers a safe space

February 19th, 2024|Categories: 2024 College News|

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Phone: 07 3372 0111  |  Email: [email protected]  |  Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm

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