In a bid to promote sustainability, St John’s has introduced the Containers for Change initiative. This move comes as a response to the alarming statistics that reveal over 75% of waste on Australian beaches is plastic.

Every minute, the equivalent of 170 wheelie bins of plastic are dumped into the ocean globally, amounting to 10 million tonnes annually. In Queensland, less than 20% of used plastic is recycled, with the rest ending up in landfills or polluting the environment.

Containers for Change is a refund scheme in partnership with Plastic Oceans Australasia. It offers educational resources through the Wave of Change Education program, raising awareness about plastic pollution and recycling’s importance while also generating funds for the College community.

Child-friendly wheelie bins have been placed throughout the College for students to dispose of eligible drink containers made of plastic, aluminium, steel, and liquid paperboard. Each collected container contributes a 10-cent refund to St John’s, which is reinvested for students’ benefit.

The initiative encourages students to extend their sustainable habits beyond school boundaries. They are urged to opt for products not wrapped in plastic, reuse and recycle plastics, and dispose of rubbish carefully by understanding kerbside bin segregation.

St John’s is thrilled to be part of this impactful change towards environmental protection while also fundraising. It has never been easier to make a difference.